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Global United Photo Contest Finals!
Voting will begin on June 1, 2023 and will close on July 22, 2023
Our Global United Kids and Pets Finale Photo contest is underway!!
Winners of each contest (5 total in Kids and 5 total Pets) will advance on to compete against the winners of every season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Director's Choice) with the winners announced in July 2023 at our international finals.
Finals winners will be determined by a people's choice money vote to take place June - July 2022 (Live and Online). Top earning donation of each division (pets and kids) will receive a new crown and sash/tag, $100 off our international finals(transferable), and a $25 gift card to an appropriate store/vendor. Proceeds of the final vote will benefit childhood cancer research.
Simply press the donate button and choose the amount you wish to donate toward the votes for your favorite contestant.
Proceeds of the finale vote go to our supported Childhood Cancer Charities.
Our 2022-23 Winners
Kid Winners

Paisley - Summer Winner

Elayna~Raynn - Fall Winner

Alycia - Winter Winner

Pet Winners

Hope - Spring Winner

Paisley - Directors Choice Winner

Molly - Summer Winner

Boo~Boos - Fall Winner

Patton - Winter Winner

Cindy Lu - Spring Winner

Molly - Directors Choice Winner