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Meet Melissa Redzuan- Mrs Heart of Global United 2019-2020 from Minnesota and Malaysia

Melissa is our outgoing Mrs Heart of Global United Queen. We are excited to share with you a little bit about her and her thoughts on the Global United Pageant.

Melissa says, "I am a marvel, DC comics and Star Wars fan! I enjoy reading YA book, medieval story and movies! I have a closet full of shoes and love to craft!"

Melissa has truly involved her whole family as her daughters joined her in the program as a princess and a Spirit of Global United titleholder. We have really enjoyed watching this whole family legacy develop!

"Here is WHAT I have learned: Confidence! GU teaches me to be confident and love myself; regardless of the way that others see me. It helped me become confident while learning to accept me, every aspect, just the way I am and also making lifelong friendships."

Melissa wrote, when entering the Global United Pageant, and being asked "What does the title 'Heart of Global United' mean to you?", this is what she had to say.

"As I am sitting here trying to write this, I find myself looking for the perfect answer to 'what is means for me to win the title of Heart of Global United?' Well, there isn't one. For me Heart of Global United embodies so much of what it means to be strong, independent, beautiful- not because of her look, but because of her drive to impact those around her- not just women but all people, those with a voice, or for those still finding their way. She is determined to break all boundaries- to prove that 'Heart of Global United' is above all else, a woman of substance, who is educated, who leads by example, personable, and who is passionate while being kind. My name is Melissa Redzuan and this is who I am and who i want to be. Winning this title would just show that being who I am is so much more than outer beauty, but more about who i am inside. Winning the title means taking on the responsibility as the brand ambassador and a role model for other strong empowered women and the opportunity to break stereotypes and boundaries while showing the world we care."

WE COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!! We love our awesome Mrs Heart of Global United 2019-20 and appreciate all she has shared with us. Though she will be crowning her successor soon, we know that the new Mrs Heart of GU has some big shoes to fill!

Thank you for all you have done, Melissa! To learn more about her, you can see her activities on her Facebook page HERE.

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