Meet Danielle Enberg-- Lifetime Queen 2014 (USA)
Hello! I'm Danielle Enberg from Minnesota. I was Miss Global United 13-14 and am now a Lifetime Queen!

WHY DID YOU COMPETE IN GU: I competed in Global United for a couple of reasons. I love that it is community service based. They judge you more on who you are, and what you do to help others Vs. how you look on stage. But I am also a childhood cancer survivor of 24 years, so I LOVED that the GU platform was the same as mine.
YOUR HOBBIES: I love to dance, go shopping, and spoil my dogs Lulu, Kieffer, and Whittney. I am also a hard core MN Vikings Fan!!
INTRESTING FACTS ABOUT YOU: I am a childhood cancer survivor, a college graduate, and helped set a world record when I was 9 (world's largest bunny hop)
FAVORITE MEMORY WITH GU: Getting to crown my big sister @Illeana 'Turner' Miller as a Lifetime Queen last year